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Risk Register Officer H/F

  • Portugal — PORTO
  • CDI
  • Consort Portugal
  • Publié il y a 1 semaine


The risk register manager plays an important role in IT risk management. He/she has a global view of all IT risks (he/she helps the operational team to identify new IT risks, assess them and monitor their mitigation measures). It also manages the risk register over time (updating criteria: risk category, owner, impact, etc.). Finally, it draws up a report on these risks for general management.


Management of the Risk Register:

  • Update regularly IT risks criteria over time (risk category, owner, impact…)
  • Initiate & support the annual review of all IT risks in the Risk Register

Support risk assessment:

  • Organize with relevant stakeholders the assessment/analysis about identified IT risks (e.g.: impact, mitigation…)
  • Organize the validation of IT risks assessment
  • Organize the compliance with the BNPP Risk Management process
  • Collect new risk cards and challenge them with relevant stakeholders (e.g.: mitigation suggested)


  • Gather feedbacks regarding formalization of risk cards & ongoing mitigation measures from risk owners
  • Follow KPI defined in risk cards (mitigation, impact…)
  • Perform a reporting about risks and risks mitigation to the top management, raise alerts if needed
  • Participate to the Business Line Risk committee to share inputs about risks (risks stored in Risk Register, level of risks, impact…)



Expected skills:

  • Behavioral skills:
    • Decision making
    • Ability to collaborate / teamwork
    • Critical thinking
    • Organizational skills
  • Transversal skills:
    • Ability to manage a project
    • Analytical ability
  • Business skills:
    • Risk monitoring (knowledge in risk management: ability to identify, alert and suggest remediation) – Expert
    • Risk analysis (ability to anticipate/analyze threats and create risk scenario) – Expert
    • Risk opinion (ability to challenge, approve and decide (new activities, projects…) – Intermediate
    • IT knowledge (global knowledge of IT, its major processes and assets & solutions) – Intermediate
    • Cybersecurity (general knowledge in cybersecurity risks, frameworks and requirements) – Intermediate
    • Regulatory (general knowledge in IT and cybersecurity regulators framework) – Intermediate
    • Compliance (global knowledge of compliance, its major processes or regulatory framework) – Intermediate
    • Internal audit knowledge (knowledge of the audit process and methodology) – Beginner
  • Languages:
    • English fluent
  • Methodologies, tools, technologies:
    • ISO 27001
    • ISO 31000
    • NIST
    • Microsoft office (Excel, Macro, PowerPoint)

Présentation du groupe


Acteur de référence des systèmes d’information augmentés par l’intégration stratégique de la data, Consort Group accompagne depuis plus de 30 ans les entreprises pour leur permettre de valoriser leurs patrimoines données et informatiques à leur plein potentiel.

Intégrer Consort Group, c’est faire partie de communautés d’experts où partage, développement, transmission et entre-aide riment avec engagement et accompagnement.

Consort Portugal

En 2021, Consort Group crée Consort Portugal et s’installe à Porto, en plein centre-ville pour :

  • Accompagner les stratégies d’offshoring de ses clients, notamment européens ;
  • Proposer aux acteurs économiques portugais les expertises de ses 2 communautés : Consortis, leader des services managés aux infrastructures et Consortia, expert Data, Développement digital et Ingénierie Médias.

Les équipes bénéficient d’un environnement d’excellence, tant en termes d’infrastructure que de formation, les standards étant ceux d’offres en offshoring de référence (Digital Workplace, Sécurité, Supervison, Virtualisation…)

Une ambiance conviviale règne au sein de l’agence, favorisant proximité, partage, apprentissage et implication dans une organisation résolue engagée dans la société portugaise.

Pour en savoir plus